“Everything I have learned and still learning has brought me to this moment to help you and I cannot wait to share it with you. All I do and will ever do is intentionally crafted from a place of respect, love & connection. Authenticity is my motto. My intension everyday, is that anyone who meets me, will be filled with pure vibrant energy & receive a transformation. It will be an amazing & a lifetime experience to work together”.
Dr. Madalon
This is a 30 day transformational result oriented program to massively shift you from where you are to where you need to be so that you can experience your unique version of a dream life. In the “Illuminated Life” coaching program, you will learn key practices that you can integrate into your everyday life to achieve success. This process is transformational.
This program is my purpose and I was born to help people. I make this process very easy, effortless and fun for my clients (YOU). I have learned and practiced my method for a long time. It works!
Therefore, if you are looking for a high impact, result oriented Coach & coaching program to put it all together for you, then you are at the right place at the right time. I absolutely believe in divine timing so if you are here, it is your turn. You must follow through. To discover an experience of a life time filled with limitless possibilities and most importantly, your dreams.
Book a complimentary call & discover a brand new you, in just four weeks from today. Thank you!
This is for you, IF:
✨You are struggling with communication in your dating relationship or marriage.
✨You are struggling with how to resolve conflict in your relationship & marriage.
✨You are lacking connection, passion & intimacy with yourself and in your dating relationship or marriage.
✨You need help with past trauma.
✨Are struggling with Any ADDICTION.
✨Are having body image issues.
✨Lack of confidence.
✨ You lack connection during intimacy because of body image issues.
✨You need a spiritual practice/understanding or awakening.
✨You are struggling with a career path and everything is just confusing.
✨You are struggling with a loss and don’t understand the dynamics of grieving. (Grief & Loss).
✨Understanding the ego & dissolving it.
✨You have tried everything else and do not know where to start when it comes to health & wellness (wellbeing).
✨You are lacking communication skills in your relationship and need help resolving conflicts.
✨You need help with building a positive mindset & positive habits.
✨ You are struggling to manage stress but nothing works.
✨You need help figuring out what you want to do with your life.
If this is you, please book your illuminated life coaching below with me and let’s go deep into giving you the life you truly deserve. Life is too magical to be dwelling on issues. You cannot do it alone. You will not be able to do it alone. You need an expert.
This transformational process is what you need to go from where you are to where you need to be. It’s SIMPLE! It is a life time transformation you will always remember and will be be forever grateful for. Believe me!
“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes”.
This is a four (4) week transformation series to help you blast body fat, look lean, remove all limiting beliefs so that you can feel more confident and live your best life. It is a short program to help you step up your game, claim your power & step into who you were really created to be. This 1:1 coaching by Dr. Madalon and it is a no nonsense approach to perfect health & achieving your dreams. Don’t let anything stop you from feeling amazing everyday. Book a complimentary call & discover a brand new you, in just four weeks from today. Thank you for being here!
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”.
This is for you, IF:
✔️ You are struggling to loose the last 10-20 lbs or more.
✔️ You cannot control night eating & cravings.
✔️You have tried everything else and do not know where to start when it comes to diet & exercise.
✔️You have stubborn belly fat that you want to get rid off/blast off.
✔️ Lack of confidence.
✔️ You lack connection during intimacy because of body image.
✔️ You cringe when invited to social events, you would rather hide at home.
✔️ You are on a lot of prescription medication for conditions such as: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gout, pre diabetes, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, mood disorders, etc.
✔️ You feel bloated, constipated & unable to sleep well.
✔️ You are feeling a general loss of control around your health.
If this is you, book a complimentary call to discover how we can work together. It is a life time journey you will always remember and will not want to end. Believe me!